Pedagogies for Developing ASEAN Identity for Thai Learners in Higher Education

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Watsatree Diteeyont


ASEAN Identity, Bloom's Taxonomy, Pedagogy, Sense of ASEAN Belongingness


One goal of Kasetsart University is to prepare their students to be able to successfully live in the ASEAN community. One approach to achieve this goal is through the promotion of ASEAN identity. This study examined the classroom pedagogies for promoting a sense of ASEAN belongingness and identity for students in higher education. Social identity process and Bloom's Taxonomy were used as frameworks to design learning activities. Random sampling determined twenty students, currently studying at Kasetsart University, as participants of this study. The researcher conducted student interviews in order to explore the students' sense of ASEAN belongingness and identity before and after the delivery of the learning activity lessons. The results showed that all students had developed their sense of ASEAN belongingness and identity. Group discussion was the key for promoting senses of ASEAN belongingness and identity. Recommendations for practice and research in the development of ASEAN belongingness and identity were forward.
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