A Bibliometric Study on Liminality in Higher Education Literature (1997-2017)

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Marie Cicelie C. Ng
Allan B. de Guzman


bibliometrics, higher education, liminality, rites of passage


This bibliometric study aimed to quantitatively analyze higher education publication outputs anchored on liminality or rites of passage model. The literature search employed eight electronic databases and only those articles published from January 1997 to April 2017 utilizing the concept of liminality, liminal space, or rites of passage in describing higher education students' experiences were extracted. Out of 5,494 search items screened, only 52 full-length articles met the eligibility criteria. Additional relevant literature(n=17) were also obtained resulting to 69 included papers. Thirteen articles were printed in 2009 and 'Innovations in Education and Teaching International' and 'Nurse Education in Practice' journals have issued seven and five papers, respectively. An average of 2.5 authors per article was present and 55 authors were affiliated to institutions in United Kingdom. Publications were mostly empirical (n=55) and employed qualitative approach (n=42). Findings of this research can provide trends on liminality publication output highlighting its impact in the field of higher education.

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