Proficiency in Grammatical Error Identification and Competence in Syntax Transformation

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Erlinda D. Tibus
Zesa S. Mino
Norberto E. Milla


formal and functional aspects of language language, language learning, syntax


Language is crucial in learning and in the education process. This study determined the students' proficiency in grammatical error identification and their competence in syntax transformation. The study used a descriptive-correlational design. Sixty fourth year Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) students were the respondents who had identified and transformed erroneous sentences to grammatically correct forms. The results revealed that students' level of proficiency in identifying errors is highly associated to the level of competence in transforming errors to grammatically correct sentences. Furthermore, the frequency of use of all the available learning materials at home has nothing to do with the level of proficiency in grammatical error identification and the level of competence in syntax transformation. Future researches are suggested to address the link between frequency of exposure to English language conversations, English language materials, and the role of the first language (L1) to students' proficiency in identifying grammatical errors and competence in transforming errors to their correct form.

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