Accuracy of Past Tense in Four Tasks: Does Translation Facilitate Narrative Writing?

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Leonardo O. Munalim
Rachelle B. Lintao


bilingualism, Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education, narrative genre, past tense, translation


This paper attempts to investigate whether or not translation facilitates the accuracy of the past tense. It looks at the correlations between the two translation tasks and the actual writing of a narrative genre. One hundred seventeen second year university students from the General Education program enrolled in Writing in the Discipline took the four writing tasks as their prelim examination. Four writing tasks included: word level morphological transformation, sentence level translation, paragraph level translation, and actual writing of a narrative genre. Results show that both translation tasks, and paragraph writing are statistically different when students are grouped according to the language used at home. All four writing tasks are high in level whether students are bilingual or multilingual speakers. The correlations between sentence level translation and paragraph level translation to the actual paragraph narrative writing aver that translation facilitates the accuracy of the past tense of the verbs in actual paragraph narrative writing. The study offers implications for language teaching and learning, and the relevance of the study for the Mother Tongue-Based-Multilingual Education curriculum implemented in the Philippines.

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