Impact Evaluation of the NSTP in Promoting Volunteerism towards Nation-Building

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Zhanina U. Custodio
Teresita Rungduin
Eisha Vienna M. Fernandez
Rachel Rodriguez Ortega
Laarni A. Urbiztondo
Rowena D. Sabate


volunteerism, National Service Training Program, impact evaluation


This study is aimed at evaluating the level of volunteerism among among National Service Training Program (NSTP) students before and after taking NSTP courses, and identifying specific impacts of NSTP towards volunteerism. Four scales and two focus-group discussion guides were used to assess the level of volunteerism among students. Results reveal that the level of volunteerism among student-respondents before the start of NSTP was high. Improvements in volunteerism were observed after comparing the levels before and after taking the NSTP courses, which implicate that areas covered by NSTP may actually develop perspective and empathy in students. Analysis of data from the NSTP Facilitators' Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and interviews revealed an increased: 1) level of volunteerism spirit; 2) sense of personal effectives; and 3) awareness of the social issues after the course of NSTP. These suggest that the results of the study could serve as a basis for planning and
implementation of the NSTP curriculum in order to sustain the volunteerism spirit toward nationbuilding. It is recommended that further longitudinal study on the effect of NSTP to volunteerism be done on a national scale.

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