Impact of Teacher Training Programs on Prospective Teachers' Professional Attitude

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Wint Wah Wah Tun
Nu Nu Nyunt


English, Science and Mathematics teachers, Academic Functions


The primary purpose of this study is to investigate the professional attitude of prospective teachers. Then, to examine the impact of teacher training programs on the development of prospective teachers' professional attitude is of next interest. Design of this study is cross sectional in nature. Quantitative perspective was used in this study. Questionnaire survey method was used to measure the professional attitude of prospective teachers. This study was conducted at Yangon University of Education (YUOE) and Sagaing University of Education (SUOE), Myanmar. Simple random sampling technique was used in this study. A total of 639 prospective teachers attending at the first year to final year classes of B.Ed program participated in this study. Attitude Scale towards Teaching Profession (ASTTP) developed by Hussain (2004) was used as the research instrument. Alpha reliability for ASTTP revealed at 0.827. In this study, 49.3% of participant prospective teachers were found to have positive professional attitude. Gender related difference was not found to be on the prospective teachers' professional attitude. It was found that there was significant difference among professional attitude of prospective teachers across level of education as well as satisfaction to training program and practice teaching experiences.

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