The Implementation of the Myanmar Teacher Competency Standards Framework

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Aye Aye Myint
Myo Win


Competency standards, educational science


As Myanmar raises the quality of education system, it needs teachers with the right values, skills, and knowledge to be effective practitioners. The Myanmar Teacher Competency Standards Framework (TCSF) has been developed. The main objective of this framework is to establish an agreed set of teacher competency standards to support improvement in the quality of teachers and teaching in Myanmar. To implement this framework, the core working group was organized. The framework consists of four main areas. Each domain has competency standards and minimum requirements for teachers' professional development. To ensure that the frame is useful for Myanmar's education system, the draft of the framework was field-tested. Such research tools as classroom observation, teacher self-appraisal, and interviews were used for the field-testing. A sample of 76 schools was included in this field testing. This framework will help to raise the quality of education system in Myanmar.

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