Perspective of Secondary Teachers in the Utilization of Science Strategic Intervention Material (SIM) in Increasing Learning Proficiency of Students in Science Education

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Leo Peter Narciza Dacumos


SIM Utilization, Science Teachers, Science Education, Learning Proficiency


The phenomenological research investigated the perspectives and experiences of five science teachers on using strategic intervention material (SIM) in their respective science classes. The use of these materials is important towards achieving the needed competencies of the students which they failedto achieve in regular classroom instruction. A total of five science teachers were recruited from different schools in Baguio provided that they were able to craft or at least to utilize science SIM. The research indicated that the teachers held variety of views of SIM integration. These views influenced their use of SIM in the classroom, especially during remediation sessions as an abridgement and re-teaching tool. They view that SIM will promote autonomous learning and memory enhancement among learners to better their performance in understanding many complicated concepts and skills in science. However, despite these advantages, teachers encounter barriers during preparation and implementation proper of the SIM.

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