Flipped Classroom in College English Language Teaching in China: A Systematic Review

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Ling Yingxue
Jariah Mohd Jan


college English language education, flipped classroom, systematic review


In China, technology-driven advancements have prompted innovative approaches to English language teaching, with the flipped classroom gaining popularity among instructors. While there is increasing enthusiasm among instructors in China regarding the adoption of the flipped classroom, comprehensive research on its effectiveness in this context is lacking. In light of this, using a systematic literature review approach, this study seeks to examine trends and findings in flipped classroom instruction in English language college education. A total of 106 publications from China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) were reviewed and analysed. The findings revealed a growing adoption of the flipped classroom since 2013, with a focus on its teaching application. Challenges and benefits were identified, providing valuable insights for both instructors and researchers.

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