The Investigation of the Effect of Mathematics TPACK-Based Course on Pre-service Mathematics Teachers' TPACK

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Veeris Kittivarakul
Chanisvara Lertamornpong


Mathematics TPACK-based course, pre-service mathematics teachers, TPACK


The ability to teach with technology is the uppermost thing that teachers need to develop for teaching in this modern world society. Thisstudy investigated the effect of Technology and Information in a Mathematics education course based on the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework on Pre-Service Mathematics teachers' TPACK. The data was collected from 23 pre service mathematics teachers at a university in Bangkok, Thailand. The course was designed by synthesizing existing literature on the TPACK framework and tailoring it to the specific needs and technological resources available to the participants. We used content analysis and intelligent verbatim transcription techniques to analyze pre-service mathematics teachers' TPACK from the video-recorded micro-teaching sessions and lesson plans. The result indicated that the Mathematics TPACKbased course positively affected pre-service Mathematics teachers' TPACK. It is recommended that instructors should prioritize the pre-service teachers' ability to formulate relevant questions to strengthen student learning in mathematics.

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