Design, Development, and Validation of a Self-Learning Module in Relativity

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Faith Celeste B. Ole


ADDIE, Physics, Relativity, self-learning module, validation


This study aimed to design, develop, and validate a Self-Learning Module in Relativity (SLM-R) for science education majors. Einstein's theory of Relativity, which is an abstract subject in Physics, is a fundamental topic that needs to be comprehended by science education students. This study used the instructional design of the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE). Based on the needs analysis identified as one of the priorities in the research agenda of the proponent's affiliated institution, developing instructional material (IMs) that could be used for instruction and better-equipped student learning is highly encouraged. Thus, an SLM-R resource was designed through Taba's Grassroots Approach and guided by the 4Es of an inquiry-based model. This  IM was then developed and implemented for assessment by science experts and potential users. Based on the data triangulation in the evaluation phase, quantitative and qualitative data indicated the SLM-R's compliance with the standard reference set by the institution, suggesting a potential resource for students' and teachers' utilization. Qualitative feedback from potential users supported the quantitative results through their comments on the IM. Accordingly, the IM is helpful, and its well-presented activities challenge them to think critically. Hence, it is recommended that this SLM-R be pilot-tested for students to determine its efficacy on their conceptual understanding of Relativity.


Publication History

Version of Record online: December 30, 2023

Manuscript accepted: December 30, 2023

Manuscript revised: December 29, 2023

Manuscript received: May 30, 2023

Abstract 1232 | PDF Downloads 1129


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