The Social Support Systems and Needs of Private SHS Teachers in Writing Research

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Jean Pauline T. Pocaan
Jordan M. Pocaan


Emotional support, informational support, instrumental support, mentoring, research writing


Research is among the least mastered areas of teachers in the Philippines. This phenomenological study explores teachers' social support systems and needs in writing research. Seventeen private SHS English teachers were purposefully selected from five private schools in Legazpi City, Philippines, who participated through group interviews using constructed questionnaires and video recordings. The thematic analysis used pattern recognition within the data and emerging themes as categories. The study discussed the social support and needs of the teachers along emotional, informational, and
instrumental lines and suggested a faculty research support program based on the critical findings. Consequently, the study validates varied findings from previous research and may serve as a valuable reference for private institutions seeking to address their teachers' research needs.


Publication History

Version of Record online: December 28, 2023

Manuscript accepted: December 22, 2023

Manuscript revised: December 20, 2023

Manuscript received: June 10, 2023

Abstract 658 | PDF Downloads 740


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