NFTs in Education: A Model for Creation of NFTivized Course Completion Certificates

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Dr. Manisha Paliwal
Mr. Omkar Jagdish Bapat
Dr. Saikat Gochhait


Teacher education, non-fungible tokens, green blockchain, credential Fraud, cryptocurrency


The field of higher education in India is plagued by various fraudulent institutions and actors who profit at the expense of students and parents, for example, by issuing fake course completion certificates, which adversely affect the quality of teacher education. This paper presents a possible solution in the form of a model in which a digital record of the student's academic progress is created on the blockchain, which is then used to create a non-falsifiable tokenized version of the student's certificate of completion with a QR code-based mechanism that helps to improve the quality of teacher education in the course completion certificate process. Through this model, cases of certificate fraud can be reduced, and confidence in the quality of education that students receive in the institutions can be ensured.


Publication History

Version of Record online: December 28, 2023

Manuscript accepted: December 19, 2023

Manuscript revised: December 14, 2023

Manuscript received: August 7, 2023

Abstract 437 | PDF Downloads 0


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