Remote Teaching-Learning and Students' Academic Life: COVID-19 Pandemic Context

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Nicette N. Ganal
Marites A. Balot
Vivien R. Mauricio


academic life, COVID-19 pandemic, remote learning, remote teaching


This descriptive-correlational study investigated the relation of remote teaching and learning to the academic life of 318 students selected through convenience sampling) enrolled in a university during the academic year 2020-2021. Mean, Pearson r, t-test, and one-way ANOVA determined the respondents' perceptions on remote teaching and learning, achievement, attitude, relationship of remote teaching and learning to achievement and attitude, and difference between achievement and attitude to profile variables, respectively. Respondents are predominantly female, below 21 years old and are enrolled in general education courses. The results showed that remote teaching and learning are effective and beneficial. Respondents’ performance and attitude are very good and unfavorable, respectively. However, the study showed that there is no correlation between achievement and attitude. Motivation and enjoyment impact achievement and attitude. Respondents are similar in achievement and attitude when grouped by age and gender, but they differ in attitude based on year level. Findings also showed that remote teaching and learning positively impact achievement, but negatively impact attitude on specific learning platforms. Accordingly, respondents' concerns include internet access and lagging gadgets. Additionally, respondents also underscored that the learning environment, activity/time, and psychological challenges are significantly few. Hence, the study suggests that teachers should provide efficient interventions to students' concerns. Furthermore, quality may be preferred over quantity in activities and resources, and online materials are utilized efficiently. This study may be replicated to rural, rurban, and urban Southeast Asian areas in a post-pandemic setting to compare results.


Publication History

Version of Record online: December 29, 2022

Manuscript accepted: December 30, 2022

Manuscript revised: December 29, 2022

Manuscript received: April 24, 2022

Abstract 443 | PDF Downloads 573


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