Exploring the Meaning of life and Subjective Well-being among Pre-Service Education Students

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Raquel R. Geronimo
Nicette N. Ganal


meaning of life, presence of meaning, pre-service education students, search for meaning, subjective well-being


This descriptive-correlational study determined the relationship between the meaning of life and subjective well-being (SWB) among 259 pre-service education students who were selected through convenience sampling. Questionnaires were used to gather data. Mean, Pearson's r and t-test were employed for the statistical treatment of the data. The meaning of life and SWB of respondents were both high. No significant difference exists between the meaning of life and SWB when respondents are grouped according to age, sex, year, and program. The meaning of life and subjective well-being were positively correlated with intellectual and positive affect. The curriculum has met and satisfied the students' needs, interests, and capacities with the support of school, home, and other social institutions. Social institutions may accord upskilling and leadership opportunities to boost people's morale and performance. Replication of study may include variables like civil and health status interests, religion and parents' occupation, and students’ participation from private higher education institutions. The school management may revisit the students’ handbook to make it more relevant to the changing needs, time, and demands of the people and the society, and to further improve the institutions' services for young peoples' continued and sustained holistic development.


Publication History

Version of Record online: December 29, 2022

Manuscript accepted: December 30, 2022

Manuscript revised: December 27, 2022

Manuscript received: July 10, 2022

Abstract 381 | PDF Downloads 467


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