Enhancing Junior High School Students' Environmental Knowledge Using Experiential-Reflective Instruction

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Edwin B. Conel
Ruel A. Avilla


conventional instruction, environmental knowledge, experiential-reflective instruction, students’ perceptions, summative test


This study investigated the use of experiential-reflective instruction on the environmental learning of Grade 7 students. A quasi-experimental method was employed, with one group assigned to conventional instruction (CI) while the other engaged to experiential-reflective instruction (ERI). The researchers developed, adapted, and validated the scale. Using independent sample mean tests and paired t-test, results revealed that there is no significant difference in post test mean scores of the students who underwent the ERI. However, findings showed a significant difference in the summative, gain of scores, and paired t-test. These results indicate that ERI assisted to enhance their knowledge and understanding of environmental topics. This finding is further supported by the students’ perceptions that experiential learning enables them to gain cooperative learning, have fun, activate retention, and participate actively in class. Succeeding studies may explore ERI in senior high school and consider the curriculum review of environmental topics in the K-12 curriculum.


Publication History

Version of Record online: December 29, 2023

Manuscript accepted: December 26, 2022

Manuscript revised: December 22, 2022

Manuscript received: November 19, 2020

Abstract 481 | PDF Downloads 472


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