Extent of Technology Integration in Mathematics Teacher Education Among State Institutions in Central Luzon

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Ferdinand V. Tamoria


Technology integration, Mathematics, Teacher education, TPACK


This paper reports the findings of a study which explored how ten state teacher education institutions in Central Luzon, Philippines implemented technology integration in mathematics classes in the Bachelor of Secondary Education - Mathematics (BSEd-Math) Curriculum for pre-service mathematics teachers. Descriptive survey data from teacher education supervisors, mathematics teacher educators (MTEs), and students were collected through questionnaires, interviews, classroom observations and related documentary sources. The MTEs reported high levels of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) as well as common reasons for integrating technology in their BSEd-Math classes. They typically indicated frequent use of scientific and graphing calculators, spreadsheets and graphics software, and the Internet but seldom use of computer algebra systems in their classes. The t-test indicated contrasting results for supervisors' and students' perceived mean ratings for MTEs' extent of technology integration. Nevertheless, the corresponding ratings validated the MTEs' extent of technology integration, which correlated positively and signifi cantly with their level of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK).

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