Critical Thinking Skills and Brain Dominance of Post-Graduate Students

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Critical thinking skill, Brain dominance, Whole brain thinking


The objectives of this study were to investigate the post-graduate students' critical thinking skill and examine their brain dominance. The design of this study was cross sectional in nature. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used in this study. The total of 326 post-graduate students from YUOE and SUOE participated in this study. Most of the participants were prospective teacher educators by profession. In addition, some of them were in-service teacher trainees and some were pre-service teacher trainees. Critical Thinking Skill Test (CTST) and Brain Dominance Test (BDT) were used as the research instruments. Alpha reliability for CTST, and BDT revealed at 0.64 and 0.86, respectively. Regarding the critical thinking, 25.8% were found to be advanced skilled thinkers, 46.9% were skilled thinkers, and the rest 27.3% can be classified as unskilled thinkers. Moreover, differences in level of education were found on overall test as well as interpretation sub-scale. Concerning the brain dominance, 27.9% of post-graduate students were whole brain thinkers, whereas 65.6 % were left-brain thinkers, and the rest 6.4% were right-brain thinkers.

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