The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance of Myanmar School Teachers

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Aye Aye Myint
Aye Aye Aung


Emotion, Emotional Intelligence, Teacher Job Performance


The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the strength of teachers' emotional intelligence by four dimensions: utilization of emotion, optimism/ mood regulation, expression/ appraisal of emotion and emotional resilience. Next was to explore the relationship between emotional intelligence and job performance of school teachers. A descriptive research survey design was taken in this study. A total of 2014 school teachers from Yangon Region and Rakhine State participated by using multistage equal stratifi ed random sampling technique. School teachers' emotional intelligence and job performance were assessed by using questionnaire survey method. In this study, out of four dimensions of EI, utilization of emotion is found to be the highest whereas emotional resilience is found to be the weakest among Myanmar school teachers. According to t-test result, gender and marital status are not related factors for EI. But senior teachers have higher EI than primary teachers and junior teachers. Then, more experienced teachers have higher EI than less experienced teachers. Comparing the two regions, school teachers in Yangon Region had higher EI than those in Rakhine State. Working experiences and job designation were related factors of teachers' job performance whereas there were no marital status and region differences in job performance. Primary teachers and junior teachers performed better than senior teachers with regard to job designation. Multiple regression analyses revealed that emotional intelligence was moderate predictor for job performance of school teachers. Optimism/ mood regulation and expression/ appraisal of emotion had direct predictive contribution to teachers' job performance.

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