Transitions into teaching: Experiences of career-change teachers in Singapore

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Linda Mary Hanington


career-change, initial teacher preparation, transition, IMTPG


This case study explored the experiences of 15 career-change teachers during their early transitions into their new profession. Data were collected from two interviews: the first at the start of a postgraduate diploma in education (PGDE) after a period of contract teaching, and the second after completing teaching practice towards the end of the PGDE programme. They were analysed using Clarke and Hollingsworth's (2002) Integrated Model of Teacher Professional Growth (IMTPG). The findings indicate that the research participants were active agents in the transition process and drew on qualities, experience and knowledge developed outside teaching. The IMTPG illustrates how reflection on the consequences of classroom application was a driver in their development as teachers and how they processed information and stimuli from various sources during the two phases: contract teaching and practicum. This study furthers understanding of career-change teachers by adding perspectives from the unique Singapore context.
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