Meaning in Life and Happiness among Tertiary Education Students

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Nicette N. Ganal
Joel C. Navarez


Happiness, Presence of Meaning, Search for Meaning, Meaning in Life, Tertiary Education Students


The study investigated and analyzed the relationship between meaning in life and happiness among tertiary education students. It employed both the descriptive-survey and correlational methods. The respondents are composed of 247 junior and senior students during the AY 2017-2018. They were chosen using the convenience non-random sampling technique. Results disclosed that the respondents have both a high level of meaning in life and happiness and that the two variables are significantly correlated. Generally, the respondents are experiencing and pursuing a meaningful and a happy life. Also, a significant difference existed between the meaning in life and happiness among the respondents when grouped according to program. A parallel study may be undertaken with faculty and employees in higher education institutions as respondents. For future study, variables which influence the nonmeaningfulness and unhappiness of the participants may be included. The results may be used in designing and implementing intervention programs and revisiting the policies and practices of the school guidance program for tertiary students.
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