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Maria Carmela T. Mancao
Ma. Victoria C. Hermosisima
Tito C. Baclagan
Marivilla Lydia B. Aggarao


Digital natives, Blended learning, Teaching innovations, education


With the descriptive-survey as the research method used, this study gathered data on student perceptions of, readiness for, and attitude towards blended learning (BL) as an alternative learning approach. The findings revealed that by and large, the respondents had positive perceptions of and attitude towards BL for it instills independent learning, heightens diligence, and provides closer communication between professors and students.  However, they were found to be lacking in readiness.   Moreover, class section was found to significantly influence their attitude and overall assessment of BL, but not their perception and readiness, while teacher factor was detected to be significantly influencing their attitude. Despite complaints of body discomfort and   expensive internet connection costs, the respondents' over-all assessment of their BL experience was very positive, indicating that BL is an effective and efficient instructional modality for behavioral and social science tertiary courses.
Abstract 772 | PDF Downloads 388


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