Appraisal on the Knowledge of Water Code and Perceptions on Water Management Practices and Wastewater Management of the Department of Physical Sciences

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Vic Marie I. Camacho


water management, conservation, curriculum, utilization of water, education


This study appraised the respondents' knowledge of water code and perception of water efficiency practices and wastewater management in the Department of Physical Sciences at PNU. Results showed that respondents were knowledgeable in the general provisions of the Water Code of the Philippines; however, the university needs to revisit the provisions on appropriations, and control of water. The respondents perceived that there is enough supply of water in their homes, but not in the university, and are willing to pay for water services. They practice water conservation at home and in the university as much as perceive that the university has done efforts in water conservation. The study recommends that wastewater be treated since the respondents are willing to pay for such service. Also the university must actively pursue a vigorous campaign on water conservation as well as create an Environmental Management Division to address environmental issues including water management. Finally, water conservation be included in the Earth and Environmental Science curriculum.
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