Pre-Service Teachers' Motivation Related to Career Choice: The Case of PNU BECED and BEED Students

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Edna Luz R. Abulon


motivation, career choice, teaching as a profession, education


Qualitative in nature, the study explores the perception towards teaching profession as well as the motivation related to career choice among PNU BECED and BEED students. The findings of the study revealed the timeless perception of teaching as a noble profession. The nobility of the teaching profession lies on the fact that would-be teachers embrace the job wholeheartedly and thus they are likely to demonstrate selflessness and hard work along with great skills and high standards. The study also showed the interplay of the three broad classifications of motives. The respondents appeared mostly intrinsically motivated in their career choice, exhibiting keen interest in teaching, sheer love for knowledge and passion to impart what they know, especially to children. Extrinsic factors like pressure from significant others as well as good opportunities for jobs here and abroad further motivated the pre-service teachers. Indeed, the role of the family, relatives and teachers is crucial in the adolescents' and young adults' career choice. Altruistic factors that could go beyond any influences from others or perceived tangible benefits from job further determined career moves among the respondents.
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