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Jonathan V. Gochuico
Gina O. Gonong
Zenaida Q. Reyes


Critical Discourse Analysis, Clerical Language, Power and Ideolog, Philosophy and Communication in Linguistics, education


The Church and State's separation is maintained through a Constitutional provision, but such has caused controversies because the Catholic Church remains vocal in its political stand. Political leaders have accused church leaders with meddling on socio-political affairs. Religion is seldom critically examined in that statements and opinions of its leaders are readily accepted by believers. In this light the Pastoral Letters issued by the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines released after the Martial Law years were examined, given that the restored democracy safeguarded freedom of expression and speech. Analysis was done using Jager's (2001), Osgood's (in Littlejohn, 1996), Fairclough's (1995), and Delia's (1987) theories. Textual organization, linguistic components focusing on agency, topicalization, modality, and coherence, presupposition, ideology, and constructs on religiosity, law and order, and politics were crafted to guarantee favorable response from the Catholic flock.
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