Learning Styles of PNU Freshman College Students School Year 2009-2010

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Ramer V. Oxiño


learning styles, college students, education


Admittedly, the changing context of today's society brought forth by the scientific and technological revolution, advent of information and communication technology (ICT) and globalization, among others, has redefined and reshaped today's education that poses bigger and tougher challenges to the delivery of QUALITY instruction. The most crucial of these challenges is the diverse preparation of students across disciplines. This need calls for revisiting the current teaching and learning practices especially among instructors in higher education institutions (HEIs), imperative to urgent realignment or for further development of the practices.

Given the diversity and the magnitude of factors affecting the teaching and learning process and practices, Claxton and Murrell (2003) argue that instructors should be sensitive enough to the differences that students bring in the classroom and should thoughtfully and systematically design learning experiences that match students' learning styles to achieve effective learning. The more thoroughly the instructors understand the differences, the better chance they have of meeting the diverse learning needs of all their students (Felder and Brent, 2005).

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PNU University Research Agenda 2008-2010

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