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Nabeel Abedalaziz
Mariani Md Nor
Hai Leng Chin
Antriman V. Orleans


Performance avoidance goal, Performance goal, Mastery goal, Epistemological beliefs, education


This study investigated how students' beliefs about learning affect their achievement goal orientation. A total of 340 matriculation (foundation) students (47% males, 53% females) from two public universities were given two inventories – epistemological beliefs for science and achievement goal orientation – to measure their epistemological beliefs about science and achievement goal orientation. Results yielded that canonical correlations established by innate ability and quick learning were positively correlated with performance goal, mastery avoidance goal, and performance avoidance goals, but innate ability and quick learning negatively correlated with mastery goal. Further, innate ability and quick learning were predictors of achievement goal orientation. These results provided new empirical evidence on how epistemological beliefs contribute relatively to students' adopting achievement goal orientation.
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