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Lucilla R. Fetalvero
Brian M. Limson
Rowena B. Mariñas
Cecilia U. de la Cruz


breast care, breast cancer, health care program, education


With the descriptive survey as research method, data on the practices and extent of knowledge about breast care and breast cancer were gathered from a sample of PNU women administrative staff and selected female students, using a questionnaire adopted from Pagkatipunan's KAP Survey Tool for Breast Care (2011).   Findings revealed that the respondents have a fair knowledge about breast cancer; aware of the factors that increase the risk of breast cancer like smoking, family history of breast cancer, lack of physical activity, use of oral contraceptives, alcohol drinking, and exposure of the breasts to radiation. They know about breast self-examination (BSE) and clinical breast examination (CBE).   A few know about mammography. Some of them perform BSE monthly, but very few undergo CBE. They agreed that it is important to do regular exercises to improve one's health, and that a woman should take care of herself and her breasts to avoid breast cancer and stay healthy. A year-round health care program including proper breast care, and integration of breast care information in the curriculum, particularly in the biological sciences, were recommended for implementation in the University.
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