Multivariate Analysis: Teachers' Attitudes, Students' Interests, Intrinsic Motivation on Students' Learning Outputs

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Meg C. Enriquez
Melody A. Alvarado
Marivel R. Apit
Joden John V. Nituda


teachers' attitudes, interests, intrinsic motivation, learning outputs


This study examined how teachers' attitudes, students' interests, and intrinsic motivation influence students' learning outputs in mathematics. It addressed the challenge of improving learning outputs amidst the Philippines' education crisis, shaped by traditional teaching methods and socioeconomic barriers. Using a descriptive-correlational design, 156 first-year mathematics students were selected through purposive random sampling. Data were collected via an adapted questionnaire and analyzed using multiple regression, Pearson correlation, standard deviation, and mean. Results revealed a significant positive relationship between supportive teacher attitudes, increased student interest, and intrinsic motivation in enhancing learning outputs. The findings highlight the need to foster learner-centered, interest-driven, and intrinsically motivating environments. Education practitioners should adopt strategies encouraging autonomous thinking and engagement. Future research could explore targeted interventions to strengthen motivation and interest across diverse educational contexts.

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