Developing Learning Skills through 5X+Y Shepherding Style

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George B. Borromeo
Adonis P. David


Collaboration, peer tutoring, shepherding style, education


This study is an action research grounded on the assumption that collaborative learning is an effective strategy for assisting students with very low achievement level in Mathematics. The main purpose of this action research was to describe the implementation and effects of the 5X+Y shepherding style in improving the academic performance of selected students in Mathematics VI within the structure of a remedial class. The 5X+Y strategy involves the pairing of one high performing pupil (Y) with five least performing pupils (X) who need assistance to upgrade their achievement level. The quantitative and qualitative approaches were used to address the main purpose of the action research. The one group pre-test/post test strategy was done to assess and compare students' performance before and after the intervention while interviews were conducted to determine the students' ideas and reflections on the use of the intervention approach.

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