Teacher-Parent Collaborative Efforts in Facilitating Students' Homework

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Frosyl F. Miguel
Edna Luz R. Abulon


Collaborative efforts, homework, parental involvement, role of teachers, students' achievement, education


This study focuses on the essential role of teachers in initiating collaborative efforts with parents in helping the children do their homework. To establish teacher-parents' partnership in this endeavour, four engaging interventions were utilized in this action research. These are focus group discussion (FGD), home visitation, follow up by texting and homework logs.An intact Grade 8 science class in one of the pilot secondary schools in the City of Manila was involved in the study. Results showed that the collaborative efforts between parents and teachers apparently contributed to the improvement of students'class performance. Home visitation was seen as a means of rekindling commitment of the parents to monitor their children's progress in school. In the same way, it was found out that homework logs and texting are strategies that could enhance parental involvement leading to close supervision of their children doing their assignments at home.
Abstract 1073 | PDF Downloads 1272


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