Establishing a Research Program in a Philippine Senior High School: Perspectives, Opportunities, and Post-Pandemic Trajectories

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Christian P. Gopez
Liezl Rillera-Astudillo
Feorillo A. Demeterio III


basic education, Connected Curriculum Framework, post-pandemic education, research program, senior high school


The article describes and assesses the De La Salle University Senior High School's (DLSU SHS) Research Program. Six components of Fung's Connected Curriculum Framework were utilized to describe the perspectives and experiences of stakeholders. Using an explanatory sequential research technique, it was found that administrators, teachers, and students rated Dimension 5 (creation of outputs aimed at an audience) the highest, while Dimension 6 (student interaction with each other and with alumni) was evaluated the least. Stakeholders generally see the Research Program positively and as a vital college-preparatory experience. The findings situate the DLSU SHS in the ongoing transition of DLSU to a full-fledged research university, the Department of Education's direction to strengthen the research culture in basic education, and the post-pandemic education that highlights adaptable and resilient research programs that can continue to thrive amidst disruptions and unprecedented challenges. Furthermore, since research plays a vital role in the senior high school curriculum, the outcomes of this study may be used as a benchmark in the sphere of Philippine basic education.

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