Teaching During the Pandemic: Lived Experiences of Teachers in the Tertiary Level

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Lelani C. Dapat
Helen B. Boholano
Angeline M. Pogoy


COVID-19 pandemic, lived experiences, phenomenology, student engagement, tertiary education


This qualitative research aimed to explore the experiences and obstacles encountered by educators when transitioning from in-person teaching to remote distance learning during the COVID-19 outbreak. Twenty tertiary education instructors from Central Visayas were interviewed and data were analyzed using a thematic analysis. The study revealed that the sudden shift to remote teaching highlighted teachers' critical role in shaping resilient students. Moreover, the study also identified opportunities for innovation and collaboration, as teachers experimented with new teaching methods Therefore, teachers who were able to adapt flexibly to new teaching modalities and collaborate with colleagues were better able to navigate the challenges of remote teaching establishing a nurturing learning environment that addresses students' mental health requirements. It is hereby recommended Tertiary Education Institutions (TEIs) develop support initiatives that promote balance between work and personal life, foster collaboration, prioritize well-being, encourage feedback mechanisms, and invest in technology and infrastructure.

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