Self-Perceived and Practiced Information Literacy of Secondary Araling Panlipunan (AP) Teachers

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Cereleane Jeune M. Leviste
Lowilla S. Fernandez
Lyndon Vince F. Cajara
Janna Patricia L. Miguel
Paul Raphael J. Obispo
Nikolee Marie A. Serafico-Reyes


Araling Panlipunan teachers, information literacy, mixed-methods, situated information literacy


Understanding teachers' information literacy is a contemporary topic discussed in teachers' 21st-century skills research. Prompted by gaps in knowledge, this study utilizes a convergent parallel mixed-methods design, which involves 15 Araling Panlipunan teachers from two school divisions to investigate their self-perceived and practiced information literacy (IL). Qualitative surveys and semi-structured individual interviews were administered; classroom observations and document analysis of lesson plans were implemented to obtain data about their self perceptions vis-a-vis their classroom teaching. Data analysis shows a mismatch regarding their self-perceived IL and their application to classroom teaching practice. This finding can be explained through the professionals' lens on situated learning, which entails the context of communities of practice (CoPs). For this reason, teachers' IL status can be attributed to their CoP in such aspects they function. Building from this finding, creating explicit IL indicators and implementing school-based professional development can further teachers’ knowledge and practice of information literacy.

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