Learners' Engagements and Teachers' Pedagogical Success in an Online Academic Writing Class

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Juland Dayo Salayo
Jeffrey V. Engracia
Cecille Marie Titar-Improgo


learners' agency, online academic writing, online engagement, online pedagogy, pedagogical success


This study examined Filipino students' engagement as a measure of teachers' pedagogical success in an online academic writing class. Through convenience sampling, 540 Grade 12 students from a Catholic university in Manila participated using the adapted four aspects of engagement and characteristics of successful teachers. The analysis required employing frequency distribution, percentage, mean, Mann-Whitney U test, and Kruskal Wallis Test, utilizing IBM SPSS v.23. Results showed students were "engaged" in the agentic type but exhibited minimal online engagement. They were much engaged behaviorally, emotionally, and cognitively. Meanwhile, teachers demonstrated significant pedagogical success. Results also showed no significant differences in sex, but notable differences were determined in their academic strands. Online instruction could be a platform for positive online practices behind arguments, challenges, and limitations. It recommends that teachers further empower learners by offering opportunities to develop their agency as active knowledge producers.

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