High School STEM Internship Program Policy Transitions during COVID-19 Pandemic

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Erika Eunice P. Salvador
Vijit V. Nautiyal


educational policies, high school STEM internships, impact of COVID-19 on education policies, policy analysis, STEM internships


This study analyses the impact of COVID-19 on a STEM internship program in the Philippines, focusing on policy features and policy transitions from pre- to post-pandemic years. We conducted directed policy content analysis for policy documents, interviews, and a self-narrative. The STEM & Research Internship Program (SRIP) feature a central guiding document for policies which demonstrate alignment with the school system's vision and mission, core values, and strategic goals, with periodic revisions and specific guidelines crafted at the campus level to uphold these principles. Notable features include flexibility in internship completion and adaptability to different learning modalities. Some policy areas for development include featuring local laws and partner agency benefits. Policy transitions highlight the program's flexibility and commitment to student well-being. This study emphasizes how policy and policy transitions in the internship program demonstrated adaptability amidst the pandemic to provide quality STEM work-based learning experiences to students.

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