School Leaders' Experiences in Fostering Students' Learning Engagement and Wellbeing During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Gladys Ann O. Malto
Ma. Eleonor R. Painaga
Efren P. Paz


Academic Communities of Engagement, Leveraging Program, Students' Learning, Student Wellbeing


The COVID-19 pandemic challenged schools, requiring adaptive responses from academic leaders, particularly in decision-making and policy implementation during the shift to remote learning and addressing struggling students. This study explores the experiences of academic leaders about implementing the Leveraging Program (LP) and Remote Psychosocial Services for Students (RPSS) implemented in a Philippine secondary school from the school year 2020-2023. The LP and RPSS are combined intervention programs that aim to foster students' engagement and wellbeing amidst remote learning challenges. Various themes emerged from the results, such as: Theme 1: Establishing Remote Counseling to establish a psychological support system to foster students' wellbeing. Theme 2: Engaging curriculum design for academic success. Theme 3: Collaborative and immediate feedback and assessment and Theme 4: Positive school culture through integration of wellbeing activities to instructions. These themes reflect the holistic support the program provided to students for academic and emotional growth during the pandemic.

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