Creative Problem-Solving in K to 12 Physics Classroom on STEM Strand

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Albert Andry E. Panergayo
Alfons Jayson O. Pelgone


creativity, creative problem-solving, problem solving, science curriculum


Creativity is an important skill to be developed in STEM education and is also needed for economic development. Hence, this study identified and described the instructional practices of Physics teachers that foster creativity in problem-solving in Physics classrooms and their students creativity as influenced by these practices. Using a descriptive case study, classroom observation, semi-structured interviews, and document analysis were initiated from the purposive sample of six cases of Physics teachers. Thematic analysis revealed that the teacher participants foster creativity in problem-solving through constructivist-oriented and student-directed learning activities. The descriptive statistics further revealed that Creative Problem-Solving v6.1TM stages were moderately observed. Assessment of the students' learning outputs uncovered that relevance, effectiveness, problematization, and elegance were the criteria that were highlighted in all cases. In conclusion, the instructional practices and their extent of alignment to CPS v6.1TM can influence the level of creativity in problem-solving. Implications and recommendations were also discussed.


Publication History

Version of Record online: December 28, 2023

Manuscript accepted: December 26, 2023

Manuscript revised: December 21, 2023

Manuscript received: April 27, 2022

Abstract 1310 | PDF Downloads 602


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