Flexible Learning and Student-Teacher Relationship Experience of College Students with Visual Impairment

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Jose M. Ocampo Jr.
Corazon B. Salvador
Loy Chee Luen
Ahmad Yazid Yahya
Sheila Marie P. Dela Peña


COVID-19, flexible learning, inclusive higher education, special education, visual impairment


In the absence of guidelines and policies on flexible learning delivery to students with special needs from the Commission on Higher Education, this study aimed to describe the lived experiences of flexible learning and the student-teacher relationship of four college students with visual impairments who were mainstreamed in a Philippine higher education institution during the COVID-19 pandemic. The researchers utilized the Husserlian descriptive phenomenological approach and performed a thematic analysis of the data gathered from the interview. As a result, the themes that emerged for flexible learning were (1) environmental and (2) personal factors. On the other hand, the themes that emerged for student-teacher relationships were (1) instructional and (2) motivational interactions. During flexible learning, the students encountered factors beyond their control, making them feel ambivalent and experience adverse health consequences. Despite the challenging circumstances, they coped by upskilling and through social support. The students received accommodation, care, and encouragement from their teachers but asserted that their unique needs must be considered when their teachers design academic tasks and instructional materials. The insights gained from the study imply that education leaders and university administrators may improve the flexible learning experience of students by crafting inclusive quality education policies and capacitating teachers on disability awareness, appropriate teaching strategies, and the use of assistive technology for students with visual impairment.


Publication History

Version of Record online: December 19, 2023

Manuscript accepted: December 11, 2023

Manuscript revised: December 5, 2023

Manuscript received: August 17, 2022

Abstract 1442 | PDF Downloads 449


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