Perceptions of Pre-service Teachers on Code-switching in Bahasa Indonesia to English or Cebuano to English

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Ionell Jay R. Terogo


Bahasa Indonesia, Cebuano, code-switching, English, pre-service teachers


This paper explores the perceptions of Filipino and Indonesian pre-service teachers on code-switching between Cebuano or Bahasa Indonesia, respectively, and English. Attributed to Canagarajah's Global English, among other theories, this quantitative research described the languages used and the perceptions on code-switching. The study compared the results of the Filipino and Indonesian pre-service teachers' perception on codeswitching and identified the preference for language use in both groups. It was found that the respondents are bilingual teachers. Also, both groups agree that teaching in one language only is not beneficial, teaching in both languages is desirable and easier to understand, mixing both languages does not weaken each other, and codeswitching assists in higher grades. Almost all respondents prefer the teaching of English through code-switching. Therefore, an empowered use of the local language and an established teaching of a World English variety unique to the Philippines and Indonesia can help pre-service teachers in their future teaching endeavors.


Publication History

Version of Record online: December 11, 2023

Manuscript accepted: November 3, 2023

Manuscript revised: September 6, 2023

Manuscript received: February 14, 2022

Abstract 1125 | PDF Downloads 229


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