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Leonardo O. Munalim
Ma. Concepcion Y. Raymundo


Explicit/Conscious Grammar, Grammatical Terminology, Knowledge about Language (KAL), Language Awareness, Metalanguage, education


This small-scale research aimed at investigating the nature and extent of metalinguistic knowledge among English teachers amid the little treatment of grammar, heavily literature-based, in the 2010 Secondary Curriculum. Sixteen intact female graduating English major students from three colleges, and 17 intact in-service high school English teachers from 6 schools in Manila, school year 2012-2013, completed two metalanguage tests. Using the SPSS, descriptive statistics were generated for quantitative data, while qualitative analysis centered mainly on the reasons of the difficulty of the tests. Although results showed that a significant difference of performances in two metalanguage tests exists between the two groups, it is argued that years of teaching may not fully influence teachers' declarative metalinguistic knowledge. In a nutshell, low MK among the English teachers can be used by policy makers to revisit the Domain 7 of NCBTS, and to reconsider/revisit the treatment of grammar teaching.
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