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Erwin L. Oamil
Ma. Antoinette C. Montealegre
Venacio L. Mendiola


Comparative literature, deconstruction, discourse, education


This study probed how deep the Russian Dostoevsky had influenced the Filipino Nick Joaquin's fiction using the former's own selected works as the main touchtone. It utilized the descriptive analytical method of research focusing on content employing theories on comparative literature. The primary data in this study were culled from three novels and twenty selected short stories from each novelist, along with the leading critical thoughts of Bakhtin, Sartre, Foucault and Lacan. Cleaving to the comparative analytical design of this study, a model of comparative study in literature was developed. Specifically, the following questions were sought:   What Dostoevskian elements and influences resonate in Joaquin's fiction; What constructs inhere in Dostoevsky's and Joaquin's works?; What model for a comparative study in literature can be proposed? It is revealed that 16 elements and influences illuminated in the Russian fictionist's representative works bound within Joaquin's own texts. Relatively, the fictive worlds created by both novelists richly extend to the other spheres of human expression as sustained by select literary, philosophical, historical and psychological constructs, particularly Bakhtin's novelistic discourse, Sartre's stance on (dis)engagement, Foucault's author-function, and Lacan's consciousness theory. These findings affirm and reinforce Remak's assertion that comparative literature is the study of literature beyond the confines of one particular country and its relationship with the other spheres of knowledge and belief such as arts, philosophy, religion, history, the social sciences, etc.
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