Life Narratives of Women-Recipients of University-Designed Extension Programs

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Teresita T. Rungduin
Tito C. Baclagan
Armina B. Mangaoil
Ma. Luz V. Rantael
Fortunato G. Vendivel


community work, extension programs narratives, women, life-narratives, women-empowerment


Women's involvement in community activities is common in university-designed extension programs. This paper explores the life stories of women who believed there were changes in their quality of life and relationships with their families and other women as a result of participating in these activities. Focusing on producing gourmet gourami (bottled fish), a focus-group discussion was conducted among nine women-volunteers in a rural community in Quezon, Philippines. The academic and community collaboration produced women who perceived themselves as equals to their partners and advocates for change. This translational process from theory to practice was seen as helpful by the participants and led to motivating others to participate. The research may be a platform for stakeholders, especially academicians and policy-makers, to consider concentrating on how university-learned ideals and knowledge can be beneficial for community members.


Publication History

Version of Record online: August 22, 2022

Manuscript accepted: February 7, 2022

Manuscript revised: November 10, 2021

Manuscript received: April 2, 2020

Abstract 251 | PDF Downloads 30


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