Factors Affecting Teacher's Use of Web Portal in Knowledge Sharing: A Behavioral Intention and Technology Acceptance Perspective

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Malvin Rivera Tabajen


Behavioral intention, knowledge sharing, technology acceptance


A person’s perception towards technology use is important to plan for its effective use in knowledge sharing. This study looked into the web portal used in knowledge sharing in analyzing the correlation between technology acceptance and behavioral intention of teachers. This study identified the participant’s knowledge sharing intention. Purposive sampling was used to select 40 teachers who are using the “blended” approach of instructions to participate in the survey, and 10 from them were selected for interview. This research  used mixed methods to gather data and made a comparative analysis with the results generated from quantitative and qualitative methods. Findings revealed a significant relationship between the perceived behavioral controls and technology acceptance. This emplies that technology structure is considered a factor that controls a persons intention to engage in knowledge sharing. Diversity and variability of the population could be used to elicit more substantial evidences and broaden the area for future studies.

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