Senior High School Students' Perceptions and Attitudes toward the Use of Google Maps as Instructional Tool in Earth Science

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Christoper Jan B. Landicho


Earth science, Google Maps, online maps, senior high school, teaching


This study investigated the use of Google Maps as an instructional tool in Earth Science. A conveniently sampled senior high school class (n=34) participated in a formative online Google Map activity. The students inferred the location of landforms usually associated with faults using the Terrain view of Google Maps during the pre-lecture and intervention phase. A short lecture explaining how these land features can possibly be deduced using Google Maps followed. After the lecture, the students re-observed the maps with Google Maps, reexamined their previous answers and modified them, if necessary. After the activity, the students answered a self-evaluation form (SEF) which sought to gather their insights regarding the use of Google Maps in their Earth science class. The results revealed that the majority of the respondents expressed positive attitudes toward using Google Maps in classroom learning. They have had meaningful engagement with this online geospatial tool in their lessons in Earth science. However, challenges such as slow internet connection and limited exposure and practice were also noted by the students. Future researchers may look into the application of Google Maps in other lessons or learning competencies, a wider coverage among schools, and the integration of other geotechnologies in teaching the Earth sciences.

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