Treasure Chess: Worthy Contributions of the Game in the Lives of Student Champions

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Gener Santiago Subia


chess, critical thinking skills, education, Mathemathchess, sports, virtues


This study explored the holistic benefits assimilated by former chess university varsities who became regional champions. Using basic qualitative research design, the researcher uncovered and described the experiences of 15 purposively sampled participants in their years of playing the game. Five major themes emerged in the thematic analysis. The first theme "the kickoff" pertains to the participants' acquisition of chess skills. The second theme “sharp as a tack” refers to the developed thinking skills, and the third theme “mathemathchess” (mathematics utilized by the participants while playing chess), which they have found useful in their studies and in taking government examinations. The fourth theme “feather in the cap" makes public of the merits and achievements of the participants as recognized chess players. Lastly, “the treasures within" discloses good virtues developed among the participants in their years of continuous training, playing and studying chess. The findings of the study have valuable implications for policy regarding chess and education.

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