Approaches to Integrating Multicultural Concepts as Input to Multicultural Teacher Education Program

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Rennie C. Saranza


approaches, multicultural concepts, multicultural education program


This study explored the approaches to integrating multicultural concepts as input to a multicultural teacher education program using qualitative research design through content analysis. This investigation used purposive sampling in selecting the participants for the individual interviews and focus group discussions (FGD), while complete enumeration identified the key participants including their ethnicity profile.  Results revealed that the school failed to keep the ethnicity profile of the students, faculty and staff. The indigenous group is not well represented in the student organizations. Multicultural issues are not introduced early in the teacher education program. Infusion of multicultural concepts in the syllabus is limited only to meet the felt needs of the diverse students. Based on these findings, the study suggests a Multicultural Teacher Education Program that clearly integrates multiculturalism in the campus, and boosts its identity as a Multicultural Education Hub.

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