Content Area Reading-Based Strategic Intervention Materials (CARB-SIMs) in Science VI

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Levy Acuña
Merry Ruth M. Gutierrez
Gerry C. Areta


Content area reading, Instructional material, Reading skills, Science skills, Scientific literacy, Strategic intervention material, education


This study was conducted to develop content  area reading-based strategic intervention materials  (CARB-SIMs) in Science VI, their selection of skills and  topics based on the results of five-year Science quarterly  examinations scores revealing the students' least mastered  skills. Utilizing a descriptive-developmental research, the  study reached six phases: designing, developing, validating,  evaluating, and revising. The Department of Education modified checklist used by teacher-evaluators assessed  the CARB-SIMs. The weighted mean analyzed the results of the evaluation on the developed CARB-SIMs, using an  adopted and modified SIM evaluation based on teacher  evaluation and pupil perception. Evaluators strongly  agreed that the developed SIM followed the guidelines and  criteria in constructing strategic intervention materials.  Student Perception  Questionnaire of Slaviejo (2014)  determined how they perceive the use of the strategic  intervention materials. They found the SIMs interesting,  easy to use and the activities were fun to do.

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