Examining the Lives of Young Adults with Sudden Mobility Impairment: Inputs to Counselling

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Germaine Claudette T. Cajaljal
Edna Luz R. Abulon


Adjustment, Coping strategies, Life Stories, Social Support, Sudden Mobility Impairment, education


This study aims to gain deeper understanding  on the inner feelings, coping strategies and experiences of a  person who had sudden mobility impairment. Specifically, it focused  on how  the participants deal with life after  surviving a neurological disorder. Using thematic analysis, the research yielded that three  themes emerged from the verbatim  interview data: the participants who suffered  from neurological disorder not only struggle with physical adjustment but also face psychological and emotional turmoil; their condition created a major impact on how  they view their future; and significant people and religious  beliefs play an important role to the participants' recovery.  This study showed the importance of  strong emotional support  in their road to recovery and building a positive  self-concept. Counselling is recommended to possibly  reduce the barriers brought by their mobility impairment.

Abstract 7593 | PDF Downloads 278


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