Critical Thinking of College Students: Inputs to Teacher Education Curriculum

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Peter Howard Obias


Critical Thinking, Cognition, Teacher Education, education


This research aimed to find out the significance of critical thinking among third year college students of the Philippine Normal University. The study sought to answer the following questions: 1) what is the profile of the respondents' with regards to faculty, majorship and sex; and 2) what are the respondents' scores and levels on critical thinking. The following conclusions have been drawn on critical thinking: 1) Both faculty and sex in general are below average; 2) The significant findings are in the majorship and when combined with sex; 3) Only the male students of the Faculty of Education Sciences have an average level; 4) The Bachelor of Elementary Education majors are the highest with an average level; 5) The males of the Bachelor of Elementary Education are the highest with an above average level; and  6) The females of BS Psychology gained the highest with an average level.

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